Wednesday, August 29, 2012


This year we are staying organized with binders. 3M students will bring these to and from school every day. It's very important that they are never left at home!

Here is an overview of each binder section:

The white folder is our Dolphin Folder this year. We labeled it as such this morning.

Things that are in the 'Take Home' side need to stay at home. Things that need to be completed  and brought back to school are on the 'Return to School' side.

Your child can practice their Otter Creek level by using a dry erase marker with the plastic sleeve. The leveled pages should NOT be written on or taken out of this folder.

Your child's spelling words will be in a baggie and stored in this pocket. They will also write their list on a piece of paper. They can use either of these to study their spelling words during the week.

Occasionally, there might be a spelling page that we are working on together in class. This is not homework, it's class work. Homework will always be in the White/Dolphin folder.

We will keep all of our classwork in these tabs. This work should not be completed at home or left at home.

If you have any questions, your child should be able to explain it. If they aren't sure, feel free to email me! :)

Mrs. Meyer

Happiness Is...

Last Week, we read this adorable book by Charles Schultz. Afterwards, we made our own Happiness Is book. Here are the things that make 3M students happy! :)

Happiness Is....

Florida (Ryan)
making a good drawing (Tanisha)
music (Madelyn)
friends (Christian)
playing with friends (Mary Kate)
getting a butler (David)
peace (Shravani)
my dog (Tony)
a piece of cake (Jamiya)
winning the basketball game (Courtney)
playing Minecraft (Devin)
presents on my birthday (Jacob)
playing football with my friends (Aris)
playing Minecraft (Mckinley)
spending time with my family & friends (Josie)
baseball (Lucas)
snow (Rajiv)
legos (Glendon)
eating ice cream on a hot summer day (Emma)
soccer (Morgan)
dancing recital (Amy)
a warm house (Eddie)
playing with my dog (Emily)
going on a cruise (Tanmay)
my teacher (Amanda)
an A+ in Math (Gauri)
driving to the airport before a trip (Sophie)
pulling a prank (Zach)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Class Dojo on YouTube

Class Dojo Video

Click the link above to watch the Class Dojo video I showed today.

Class Dojo: Secret Codes

We had a phenomenal first day of school! I hope all of you are as excited as I am about using Class Dojo this year!

Your secret code is in your binder. If you'd like to  customize your avatar you can get to the website by clicking here. You'll need an email address to create an account so make sure you ask permission first! :)

Have Fun! See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Meyer

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hello 3M Students & Families!

I hope you've had a fun-filled summer vacation! Can you believe third grade begins in just a few short days? I am so excited to meet you all in person! We are going to have a fantastic year; I can feel it!

Check out the 'About Mrs. Meyer' page next and feel free to introduce yourself by leaving me a comment!

See you on Thursday!
Mrs. Meyer