Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Happiness Is...

Last Week, we read this adorable book by Charles Schultz. Afterwards, we made our own Happiness Is book. Here are the things that make 3M students happy! :)

Happiness Is....

Florida (Ryan)
making a good drawing (Tanisha)
music (Madelyn)
friends (Christian)
playing with friends (Mary Kate)
getting a butler (David)
peace (Shravani)
my dog (Tony)
a piece of cake (Jamiya)
winning the basketball game (Courtney)
playing Minecraft (Devin)
presents on my birthday (Jacob)
playing football with my friends (Aris)
playing Minecraft (Mckinley)
spending time with my family & friends (Josie)
baseball (Lucas)
snow (Rajiv)
legos (Glendon)
eating ice cream on a hot summer day (Emma)
soccer (Morgan)
dancing recital (Amy)
a warm house (Eddie)
playing with my dog (Emily)
going on a cruise (Tanmay)
my teacher (Amanda)
an A+ in Math (Gauri)
driving to the airport before a trip (Sophie)
pulling a prank (Zach)

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